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Zhuoshui Ancient Town

Zhuo water area  2017/5/26  

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Zhuoshui Ancient Town is a famous historic and cultural town of China, which was once known as White Crane Dam and Zhuo River Dam. The general layout of the ancient town is “One dam, two streets, three palaces and six courtyards”, and ancient streets and alleys remain intact. Endowed with rich cultural legacy, the ancient town features folk crafts that speak to each other, such as Houhe Ancient Opera and Brocade of Tujia as intangible cultural heritage. It also features cultured with a long history, such dock culture, merchant culture, ethnic culture and folk culture. The ancient town mainly includes attractions like Red Army Ferry, Navy City Gate, Conscience Exhibition Hall, Sheltered Bridge, the Residence of Eight Saints, Wan Tian Gong, Gong Jia Bao Ting, Yan Fang Money Shop, Old Residence of Wang Benshan, Wang Shi Oil Mill, the Longevity Palace. With primitive simplicity and antique flavor, Zhuoshui Ancient Town shows charms of ancient town. Arriving at Old Street, you will feel like traveling through time back to the eventful years of Zhuoshui Ancient Town.

